Wednesday, May 19, 2010

2 commercial projects move forward in Washington

Two separate commercial projects have taken steps forward with the Washington Planning & Zoning Commission and City Council.

View Proposed Mercy Family Medicine of Washington site in a larger map

Mercy Family Medicine of Washington, a merger of Mercy Iowa City and Family Practice of Washington medical clinic, is planning to build a new $4 million, 15,000 s.f. clinic building on South Iowa Ave. next to the Latter Day Saints Church. It is a few blocks from the clinic's current site at the Washington County Hospital and Clinics. The 8 acre site was purchased from the LDS Church a few years ago by developers looking to build a new assisted living facility and had it rezoned to R-5. Mercy has a purchase option on the parcel now and has asked it to be rezoned to R-4, which with a variance, will allow a medical clinic. The clinic will be a taxable property.

Mr. Greg Wiley submitted a preliminary plat of six parcels on the east and west sides on the newly opened Super Wal-Mart on Washington's east side.  MMS Consultants of Iowa City developed the preliminary plat.

View Wiley Commercial Development in a larger map

On the recommendation of the P&Z, the Washington City Council, at its May 19 meeting, passed the Mercy rezoning on to the 2nd reading of the ordinance, and approved the Wiley preliminary plat .