Monday, October 25, 2010

Paved Bike Shoulder on Wayland Road moving ahead

The Washington County project to pave about 7 miles of Wayland Road(W-55) south of the City of Washington, Iowa is moving along quickly toward completion this fall. Construction started last week.

The 4' paved shoulders will include a rumble strip close to the edge of the motor roadway to improve safety for motorists on this hilly and winding road through the picturesque Crooked Creek (and Skunk River) valleys in southern Washington County. The outside 3' of the paved shoulder will provide an excellent lane for biking, with safe separation from motor vehicles. The Wayland Road has become a popular route for bicyclists.

View Wayland Road Paved Bike Shoulders in a larger map

The project will provide safer biking access for several subdivisions south of Washington, plus improved access to popular County Parks, Sockum Ridge and Fern Cliff. The paved shoulders will end at 320th St. where Wayland Road becomes flat south into Wayland, IA.  32th St. is paved to the east and west, providing good access to other amenities in the region.

The project has been financed with a $500,000 safety grant from the Iowa DOT, a $250,000 grant from the Washington County Riverboat Foundation in June, plus another $250,000 of local County funding.

The shoulder project is being done by L.L. Pelling Co. of North Liberty, IA.