Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Washington healthcare leaders meet with Rep. Dave Heaton to discuss federal legislation

On Monday, several non-profit healthcare leaders met with Rep. Dave Heaton (R-District 91) of Mt. Pleasant about recently passed federal healthcare legislation and what it means in Iowa.  Rep. Heaton has served on the Iowa House - Health and Human Services Appropriations Subcommittee for a number of years.

Rep. Heaton's comments and insights were helpful but there are still many unknowns regarding how the federal legislation will be affected by the upcoming Congress in 2011, and how the Iowa General Assembly will address upcoming milestones in the legislation.

Much uncertainly remains with few well understood costs or effects.

When the discussion turned to federal guidance on establishing new ways for communities to deliver healthcare and wellness services, Rep. Heaton noted that one successful community collaboration working toward better health and wellness is Healthy Henry County Communities.  Washington County businesses, organizations and institutions have started the first steps of working toward a similar approach to wellness by forming the SAFE Coalition in 2010.

The meeting was at Wesley Halcyon House retirement community in Washington, and a delicious lunch was served by Halcyon's Applewood Bistro.  The meeting was arranged by Tim Coffey of the Washington Chamber of Commerce and Ed Raber of the Washington Economic Development Group.

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