Friday, April 30, 2010

Successful IDOT Public Input Meeting on Hwy 1/92 junction

About 20 local stakeholders attended an Iowa DOT informal Public Information Meeting at the Washington Library on Thursday evening (April 29, 2010). There were about 10 IDOT staffers there representing design, safety, right-of-way, public relations, and planning. The IDOT had three different conceptual plans that were discussed with attendees.

It was great to see that IDOT staff showed up with the purpose of listening, discussing and making changes to the conceptual plans. People felt good when they left the meeting, and that they had an impact on the planning process and were taken seriously.

IDOT Engineer, Pete Tollenaere told the crowd that they would come back in a few months to update the group and get more input on a refined concept plan. The IDOT is expecting the City of Washington to financially participate in the construction cost of improvements to this intersection.

Tollenaere said that the IDOT is scheduled in 2012 to do a paving project on Hwy 92/Madison Street and Hwy 1/92 around the west side of Washington, continuing north two miles to the junction of Hwy 1/92 & G-36. The paving project would include paved shoulders on the section of Hwy 1/92 on the west side of Washington. The IDOT and City have already begun discussions about planning for that project.

Improvements to the Hwy 1/92 junction in Washington could take place in 2012 or 2013.