Thursday, July 8, 2010

$1.9 million in I-JOBS funds for Washington County area communities

Five Washington County area communities received $1.9 million in I-JOBS funding for water and sewer projects.

Iowa Governor Chet Culver announced on July 7, 2010 that 71 projects had been awarded around the state for communities under 10,000 population, totaling $35 million. The five area projects represent over 5% of the statewide total.

Congratulations to these communities!

I-JOBS Water Quality Financial Assistance Program

Communities with populations less than 10,000
I-Jobs Grant
Project Description
Construction of additional lagoons and sewer main replacement
Replacement of water mains
RUSS - Lake Trio
Replace existing treatment lagoon with re-circulating synthetic filter
Sanitary sewer lines
Water treatment plant control upgrades and additional power
