Thursday, July 1, 2010

July 2010 Iowa Regulatory and Program Update Bulletin

July 1st is when changes to regulations or programs frequently take effect in Iowa.  The IDED provides a great service by compiling business related info (with links) into one bulletin. Take a minute and browse through the list.

The Iowa Department of Economic Development's Regulatory Update 2010 Bulletin covers Building Codes and Professional Licensing, Climate, Employer, Energy, Environment, Public Health, Resources, Rural Development, Small Business and Transportation. More info can be found at

Disclaimer: The information is informational only and should not be substituted or relied upon in lieu of professional advisement or due diligence. 

You can subscribe to any of IDED's various e-newsletters on their web site.


Plumbing and Mechanical Board –

Renewal Periods Coming Due – For several professions including accountants, architects, engineers and land surveyors, landscape architects, real estate appraisers and real estate brokers and sale persons.
Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) – Effective July 1, amateur MMA events will be regulated in Iowa.  No unsanctioned events are allowed in Iowa after July 1.
Bonding Requirements for Construction Contractors – Effective July 1,   all cons truction contractors that have a home office outside of Iowa will be required to post a bond prior to issuance of a contractor registration number.
Elevators and Other Conveyances Require New Forms – Iowa Workforce Development reminds inspectors to use new updated test forms for hydraulic, traction, platform, escalator, wind town and construction hoist. Outdated forms will not be accepted after July 15, any outdated forms will be returned for corrections.
Issuance of Iowa Permits for Nonprofessional weapons – FAQs about SF 2379 which amended Iowa Code Ch. 724 available online. sd/SF2379_FAQ_Version1_0.pdf



National Research Council on Climate Change – Comprehensive reports outline need for national strategy to meet challenge of climate change.


National 24th Annual Main Street Downtown Summit – To be held August 24 & 25 in Davenport will focus on the latest trends and strategies for historic preservation-based commercial district revitalization in rural, mid-sized and urban communities.
Harvard Business Review on Going Green Strategies – The June 2010 HBR edition addresses how going green is now a corporate imperative.


Work Opportunity Tax Credit – Provides a tax credit to employers hiring individuals from certain groups, such as persons with disabilities.
Workforce Training Calendar – Courses including Workplace Essentials Workshops, GED Tutoring, Your Successful Job Search, Res Orientation and IowaWorks are being offered.
Law Requires Health and Safety Poster to be 8 ½ x 14 – To comply with providing information on job safety and health postings.
Online Disability Resources Advisor – Employers can quickly identify federal disability nondiscrimination laws which apply to their business, state regulations may also apply.

Summer Jobs and Teen Safety - Useful information on how teens can be safe on the job.

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NE Wind Bill – Will allow private companies to sell up to 90% of electricity out of state.
VA Green Energy Laws – Includes a $500 tax credit and Universities Clean Energy Development and Economic Stimulus Foundation.

WI Energy Consortium – Clean Energy Generation, Transmission, and Storage Systems Consortium will combine expertise of state, industry and government partners with R&D capabilities. .gov/states/state_news_detail.cfm/news_id=16009/state=WI

Kerry-Liberman American Power Act – Discussion draft of proposed federal legislation released.
Federal Energy Information Administration Reports GHG Decline – Emissions declined 7% last year, attributed in great part to the recession.
Clean Tech Energy Midlife Support – Investors of clean-tech companies now need capital to grow and experienced advisors to refine business models and marketing strategies.




PM 2.5 Workgroups – Workgroups and key topics have been established to assist DNR with exploring how to implement the new standard.

Determination Letters to MSWs – Will be sent by DNR to all active MSWs to help determine applicability / compliance status with NSPS and Title V requirements as landfills undergo expansions.  Contact DNR's Dennis Thielen at (515) 281-4899 or

Final Revision to Sulfur Dioxide Primary NAAQ – EPA has strengthened the new one hour standard which will impact business and co mmunities.

Regulatory Impact of New Boiler MACT and Related Rules – EPA's proposed rules to reduce HAPs will be final in December.

Final GHG Tailoring Rule Set – GHG emission thresholds for defining (NSR) PSD and Title V operation permits required for new and existing industrial facilities have been set. 



Dubuque Plant Designed to Use 25% Less Water and Energy than Typical Facility – Hormel' s CSR reports water consumption and solid waste reduced, 9% and 16%, respectively.
Rulemaking Initiated on Sanitary Sewer Overflows – More information on the potential rule and “listening sessions”.
Water Pollution Control Needs – EPA estimates $300 billion over the next 20 years.
Testing Methods for Drinking Water – 12 new alternatives for measuring contaminants to determine compliance with primary drinking water regulations.
< p>New Guidance on CAFO Regulations – Released by EPA on NPDES permitting for a CAFO that proposes to discharge if it is designed, constructed, operated or maintained in such a matter that a discharge will occur.
Clean Water Enforcement – Interactive web tools enables public to check water violations in their communities.



Iowa Recycling Association (IRA) Annual Program 
– “Closing the Loop, Getting Back to the Basics” will be held July 15 at Reiman Gardens in Ames. /content.asp?ID=4607&Date=7/15/2010
Zero Waste Strategy – Being implemented by school cafeterias, national parks, restaurants, stadiums and corporations.


Title V Semi-Annual Monitoring Report – September 30, 2010


Send College Kids Off Safely – Iowa Department of Health urges parents to encourage their children to receive a meningococcal meningitis vaccine.

New Online Resources for Environmental Health Professionals – Information and training resources.



SBA and GOOGLE TEAM – Assisting small business with a series of online tools and videos.
SBA Trade Export Assistance - Online pod casts for small businesses wanting to find international markets.
Free Sources of Economic Market Data – Several sources of market data to better understand your customer base and competition.


Monthly Consumer Bulletin – Informs Iowans on how to be a savvy customer.
State Fair August 12 – 22 – Online schedule of free entertainment at this year's fair.
State of Iowa Audit Reports – Available online.
Diversity in Iowa Calendar – Online listings of civil rights training, diversity conferences and other activities taking place across Iowa.
ASSOCIATION OF TRAVEL INSTRUCTION (ATI) – August 13-15 in Baltimore, MD supports travel instruction for the purpose of teaching people with disability and seniors to travel safely and independently; scholarships available. http://www.trave


Nontechnical Rules on Nonchemical Pest Control Devices – Due to increased marketing of sonic devices IDALS is proposing manufacturers submit efficacy and safety data and bear testing costs.
USDA Award - $14.1 million to IDALS under the Mississippi River Basin Healthy Watershed Initiative will help restore 37 quality wetlands in Iowa.
Registry on Iowa Hay & Straw Directory – Hay and straw producers, as well as related organizations and businesses pr omoting and marketing quality hay and straw encouraged to register.


Long Waits on the Tarmac – Endured by passengers beyond three hours will not be tolerated under new federal rules.
Motor Carrier Permitting Automated – IDOT practices of receiving requests by phone is now ended; motor carriers requesting oversize/overweight load and trip permits will have three options to request a permit.