Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Community beautification grants available

Keep Iowa Beautiful (KIB) has announced the KIB Community Beautification Grant Program, a competitive funding source for communities under 5,000 in population. Up to $5,000 will be awarded for beautification projects, and up to $15,000 will be awarded for projects addressing derelict buildings.

In the Washington County area, the eligible communities include Ainsworth, Brighton, Crawfordsville, Kalona, Keota, Riverside, Wellman, and West Chester.

An eligible project must have one or more of the following as its purpose:
  • Litter prevention – removal / education / implementation / public awareness 
  • Recycling education – implementation / public awareness 
  • Beautification programs – flower, tree and shrub planting, painting & fix-up and general landscaping. 
  • Public nuisance abatement
  • Derelict buildings – removal / renovation including asbestos abatement and removal, recovery and recycling of reusable materials and / or the purchase of recycled-content materials used in renovation efforts.
To review the eligibility requirements click here.
To download to application, click here.

Applications are due at 4:30 p.m., or postmarked, by Friday, August 20, 2010. Project awards will be announced on Friday, September 3rd.