Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Main Street Washington & Bodywrx Fitness Center get $250k I-JOBS rehab grant

Iowa Governor, Chet Culver announced yesterday in a press release that Main Street Washington and Bodywrx Fitness Center were among the recipients of $13 million in I-JOBS grants to support physical infrastructure projects in "Main Street Iowa" communities.

The Bodywrx Fitness Center project, owned and operated by Teri Hartzler, received $250,000 in I-JOBS toward a total project of about $368,000. Additional grant money toward the project was through a Main Street Washington grant from the Washington County Riverboat Foundation.

The project will include removing the sheet metal from the building front, restoring the original facade to the building, creating a new access to the upper floor, and creating two large apartments. Bodywrx had been working closely with Main Street Washington director, Amy Vetter and other volunteers on developing the project for the past year. The Bodywrx building is a key downtown building on the east side of the newly renovated side of the Washington town square.

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